
Everything you need to know about the San Pedro cactus

Everything you need to know about the San Pedro cactus

How to grow San Pedro cactus? The San Pedro Cactus, better known as gigantón or wachuma, whose scientific name is Echinopsis Pachanoi, is one of the most widely planted globally due to its multiple uses in the medicinal field, both for humans and animals. If you are specifically looking to learn more about how to grow San Pedro cactus and its different uses, you are in the right place.

What are the benefits of San Pedro Cactus?

This particular type of cactus was one of the most used by the people belonging to small Andean villages due to its great recognition because at that time it was believed that it possessed divine properties out of this world, which was a product of its hallucinogenic effects. Today it has been discovered that the San Pedro cactus is capable of provoking other kinds of effects besides hallucinogens, which is beneficial if used correctly, some of these examples are:

  • State of relaxation
  • Euphoria
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Kaleidoscopic vision
  • A sense of union with the whole
  • Excitement

Advantages and Disadvantages of San Pedro Cactus

The Echinopsis Pachanoi can cause different reactions to those who ingest it, to the point of living certain transcendental experiences that usually depend a lot on the obstacles or problems that have had to face up to that moment.


One of the biggest advantages of the san pedro plant is its cultivation, since it is very simple and its growth time is relatively fast, since it does not exceed 30cm. Some other reasons for its importance and popularity are due to the following points:

  • Ingesting it results in both psychological and mental relaxation.
  • If one is at peace with oneself, the experience that is generated will be completely comfortable and pleasurable for the individual.
  • The cactus stem has several applications that work to moisturize, maintain and strengthen the scalp and has been considered by many as the perfect substitute for shampoo.
  • It has antiparasitic effects if properly prepared.
  • Easily counteracts the growth of dandruff.
  • Its cultivation process can be mastered by virtually anyone, and it is extremely easy to obtain.
  • The fruit provided by this plant has a delicious and gentle flavor.


The ingestion of this plant can cause various hallucinations and effects that not in all cases end up being entirely good, so you should think more than 2 times before doing such action, because these would be some of the consequences that could happen to you:

  • Uncontrollable sense of panic
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Excessive sweating
  • Cramps
  • Stomach pains
  • Constant dizziness
  • Palpitation
  • General malaise

How to grow san pedro cactus?

The advantage that Echinopsis Pachanoi has is that it is not very demanding when it comes to growing it either outdoors or indoors, due to its small size, although of course you have to take into account the precautions mentioned above if you want to get the expected result when it comes to its growth.

When planting a cactus it is best to look for a semi-shaded place to maintain a balance between the two, as long as low temperatures can be avoided, in addition to the fact that at the time of watering should be avoided as much as possible to do this action excessively as it could cause the death of the plant. On the other hand, for the san pedro cactus to maintain an impeccable development it would be good to provide a fertilizer that specializes in that kind of plant during each month, since this will strengthen its roots and will serve for the improvement of its current condition.

Important precautions when growing this plant

The san pedro cactus is one of the easiest to cultivate but at the same time one of the most delicate since if the proper measures are not taken, this could endanger the Echinopsis Pachanoi, for this reason it is always important to take into account the following tips when taking care of its condition:

  • Regardless of whether the cactus is planted in a pot or directly into the soil, it is important to be aware of the drainage mechanism as well as the fertility of the soil.
  • The heat will not be an inconvenience during the cultivation of the San Pedro cactus because it is able to withstand high temperatures, although the same cannot be said of the cold, so it is recommended that the environment is above 3ºC.
  • Although this plant can withstand hot temperatures, this does not mean that it should be kept directly in the sun, as this can cause burns to the Echinopsis Pachanoi.
  • he way of watering the plant may vary according to the season of the month, since during the summer where the sun is more intense it is recommended to keep it hydrated every week, although what will really determine when to water it is the state of drought in which the soil is.

What is the San Pedro cactus used for?

This type of cactus was originally only used for traditional medicine because its properties helped a lot in the improvement and treatment of various pains, and it has also been used as a healing mechanism for wounds. Today, it has been discovered that the San Pedro cactus is not only another element for medicinal advancement, but it is also characterized by the following characteristics:

  • It is an excellent hallucinogen and relaxant used mostly in spiritual contexts.
  • When the cactus stems are cut into slices, they can relieve throbbing headache pain by simply placing them on the area for a few minutes.
  • The stem stems also function as a healing agent if placed in the wound.
  • When you scrape the thorn stalk of this specific plant and then let it ferment in a closed object such as a jar, you will obtain a very good and effective natural shampoo.
  • The ground stem can be of great help when an individual has a high fever.

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