San Pedro Cactus, Wachuma, Achuma, Huachuma, Aguacolla, Giganton, Cactus of the Four Winds are just some of the many names the Echinopsis pachanoi is known for. This Peruvian succulent is well known in South America for its medicinal properties, especially in Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador. However, it is necessary to know how to use San Pedro Cactus to be able to enjoy these properties.
This cactus grows wild in the Andes at altitudes that go from 1000 to 3000 meters (6000 to 9000 ft) in altitude and temperatures that go below 0° C (32° F). However, it can be grown in all kinds of weather and places. It requires very little care and is therefore relatively easy to maintain. They grow fast and are mostly spikeless, but it is better to put them in a place away from children and pets.
How to use San Pedro Cactus
So the question everyone asks is How to use San Pedro Cactus? Actually, there are several ways this plant can be used. It can be cut into slices, shredded, dried, blended, cut, cooked, soaked in water, among others. The ancient tribes of Peru and Ecuador used San Pedro Cactus in their religious ceremonies. Next, we will see in detail the different ways this miraculous plant can be used.
The stem can be cooked and used to wash the head and hair. It helps to maintain the hair color, softness, and shine. Also, the fresh mucilage or the fermented stem can be used as a natural alternative to shampoo. The stem peeled, cut, or blended, and soaked in cold water can control and eliminate dandruff.
Fresh slices of the stem can be used to alleviate headaches by removing the spikes and applying them to the forehead. It alleviates kidney pain by applying a poultice with fresh stem slices where it hurts. A very hot poultice with the stem is great for lumbago or low back pain, just put it where it hurts and change it 2 or 3 times per day.
For its antibacterial and antifungal properties it is great for the skin. A slice of the stem over a wound can help the healing process. The ground stem can be used to treat mycosis, just apply a poultice in the affected area until the fungus disappears. A poultice of the ground stem can also be used to fade scars or any other mark. It is also used to treat other skin ailments and even snake bites.
It is used to alleviate other diseases. A poultice in the forehead of the sliced or ground stem can be used to alleviate fever. A hot poultice of the stem in the forehead is used to treat sinusitis. It also has more practical uses; you can make soap to wash your clothes by cutting the stem and soak it in cold water, and then filter it, with or without salt. The result is perfect to wash wool.
Unfortunately, western medicine has not investigated the several uses this cactus has. Its active principle has been used to alleviate psychological issues like anxiety, depression, grief, and to help people struggling with alcohol and other addictions. It has been used to treat cancer, but the evidence of its effectiveness is mostly anecdotic. Some reports indicate that its consumption in low doses improves concentration and the ability to solve problems.
Now by knowing how to use San Pedro Cactus anyone can use it to treat skin illnesses and conditions like mycosis, dandruff, fever, general pain among others. Just like the shamans in Peru have been doing for thousands of years.